Easy Item Tracking

Автор: Fenwick

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Item tracking made easier with visible and editable tracking details on journals and documents.

Edit and view item tracking lot/serial numbers and expiration dates directly on Dynamics 365 Business Central documents and journal lines such as sales orders or item reclassification journals.

Faster Entry

Assign new item tracking on outbound lines and select existing item tracking for inbound lines directly from the document or journal line. No longer will you have to open the Item Tracking Lines page for every line to enter item tracking.

Better Visibility

Lot/serial numbers and expiration dates are visible on lines with singular item tracking, while lines with multiple item tracking will drill down directly to the Item Tracking Lines page.

Track item availability and quality with ease

Item tracking lets you see how much of a lot or serial number is currently available or in use, allowing you to better manage inventory levels, track stock movement. and reduces errors and uncertainty caused by double allocations. You can also set up expiration date tracking alongside item tracking to help ensure stock safety and quality.

What's new?

Check out the release notes for Easy Item Tracking.

What is Fenwick Gold?

Fenwick Gold is a suite of apps that extend base functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Previously built for Dynamics NAV, we now provide this expertise via AppSource.

About Fenwick

Fenwick is a Dynamics 365 Business Central consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia. We have over 40 years' experience in the system implementation space.

Learn more about Fenwick Software:

Supported Editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages


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